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Kobra's Talking Points
Aloe juice for your heartburn and acid reflux.
Published on December 22, 2004 By
I'm generally a fairly healthy person (but I need improvements), however I tend to get Acid Reflux and Heartburn around Christmas time. The cold weather, combined with my excessive holiday feasting, and my slightly overweight state all combine for some pretty intense reflux this time of year.
Four years ago, I discovered a sure fire remedy for acid reflux and general digestive health. Aloe Vera juice! The healing and soothing properties of Aloe have been known for centuries, and ancient civilizations digested Aloe for a variety of ailments and it had great effects. Everyone knows the power of aloe externally, but it hasn't been until recently that people have been ingesting it internally for its great benefits!
The story with me started in 2000, I was suffering from really bad GERD (acid reflux), and my doctor kept prescribing different PPI medications like Nexium, Prevacid and Prilosec (which is OTC now), and none of them worked very well, I still suffered. Then my mother suggested I look into alternative treatments, which led me to Aloe. It was said Aloe ingested, had a massive healing effect on people suffering from heartburn. What did I have to lose? Well good news, about 2 galons of Aloe - and 3 weeks later, I was completely cured of my GERD thanks to Aloe.
The best brand I found is Fruit of the Earth
Which is sold all over the place, even Walmart sells it.. Its quite expensive at $6-8 per Gallon, but it lasts a good amount of time.
So now, my yearly winter ritual is to drink about 1 galon of aloe juice per month for the months of December, January and February. Every year, like clockwork, my acid reflux starts to return around the middle of December (and this december is no different). But since 2000, i've been ready with Aloe juice on hand, and it immediately gets the reflux in check, and heals it right now. What I do is mix 4 parts aloe juice to 1 part of whatever I want to drink at the time - orange juice works well, so does tea. Aloe actually doesn't taste bad, and you begin to like it after a couple of days - especially when you start to feel GREAT.
Another HUGE benefit of Aloe is that it is a known immune system booster and immune stimulant, aloe contains a substance called "Aloeride", which is a immunostimulatory polysaccharide that activates Macrophages that scavenge your body for nasty bugs and invasions by bad micro-organisms. Still yet another benefit of Aloe juice is its inherant ability to reduce inflamation, and this works in your stomach and digestive tract as well. You will THANK ME if you have ulcers, and take my advice and drink Aloe Juice regularly.
The benefits are Aloe Juice are still being studied and discussed, and new things are being discovered about it every year (all good). If you have any stomach, esophageal, or intestinal issues whatsoever, you owe it to yourself to try the Aloe Juice remedy. Or like me, use it as a preventative measure.... It works!
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