My shortlist of best games of all time include Shadowbane, I played it for about 2 years, but haven't been back since early last year when I gave it up. However I think about it often, in this day and age of watered down MMOs with weak PvP-Lite, and crappy experiance grinds, Shadowbane really spoiled me to how things should be in these games. Shadowbane was a huge commercial success early on, selling 170,000 copies, however overcrowding, and sales exceeding the technical ability of their se...
In a sad bit of news, Wish is folding up after a successful open beta. Details are sketchy, but rumors are a major financial backer pulled out. With some UO style PvP, I think there is little doubt this game would have been a success, certainly most UO people would gravitate towards it. But they seemed to be more insistant on trying to be like WoW or EQ, instead of oldschool UO with full open PvP. With that being said, some of the systems in place at Wish, far exceeded things in WoW. Al...
January 1 is the official open beta for WISH. A new and huge upcoming MMO that is based heavily off of the original Ultima Online and partially off the original Asheron's Call.. If they pull it off, it might be *THE* mmo to play in 2005! Signup and start downloading the client now so you can be ready to play next weekend! Wish Vault - The Ultimate Resource Don't miss your chance to try this MMO out!
Tonight I was reflecting on the problems with the current MMORPGs, and why I’m not happy with them.. World of Warcraft(WoW) is a good game, in the traditional sense of MMOs, its probably the best “Standard Template” MMO out there. But that doesn’t mean it’s free of issues, or filled with vision…One of the biggest problems I see with WoW(and traditional MMOs), is that they have an exponential levelling curve.. Meaning level 10 is about 100x+ stronger than level 1, and the result is, at lev...